Online Run Coaching


Why do online coaching

In order to improve performance and reduce the chance of injury, the training required to run both shorter distances (5km - 10km) and longer distances (full marathon - ultramarathon) should always follow the rules of progressive overload. This means that each week, the volume or intensity much change to ensure your body is constantly adapting to difference stimuluses. When we fail to vary our training appropriately, we tend to hit a plateau in our training, but with too much of a volume/ intensity change we significantly increase our chance of injury.

Online run coaching takes the guess work out of program planning to ensure a consistent, steady improvements with appropriate recovery weeks for optimal performance.

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The Ultimate Online Training Platform

To create the optimal, customized training regime, you will find all your workouts and goal paces for the week in a platform called Final Surge. Here you will also find your strength program + videos and pictures (if included in your plan). Metrics of your run, comments/ concerns and all communication with your coach will be in one place.

This unique style of training utilizes the 80/20 rule. That is, 80% of your training will be based around your “aerobic zone”, while 20% of your training will be fall into interval style work (high intensity training"). Your goal/ race distance will dictate the exact time spent in each zone, with longer distances favoring more time in the aerobic zone. A combination of regular time trials along with performance times during workouts will be used to estimate training paces, and guide workouts.

Ongoing Run Coaching:

Reoccurring monthly fee. Here, your weekly workouts will reflect the past week’s work and be adjusted weekly depending on progress. Great for clients with shift work/ non-regular schedules or recovering from injury where constant program adjustments are required.

  • Ongoing Coach Support

  • Custom Mobility Program

  • Video + Picture Library

Basic Run Programs:

This is a 1 time purchase. Here, you will receive a pre-planned customized run program based on your answers to a detailed questionnaire on your current running ability, history, goals and injuries. This program is ideal for someone who already has a good understanding of running/ has a running background and looking to add some variety into their training.

  • Initial Coach Consult

  • Custom Mobility Program

  • Video + Picture Library

contact coach Amanda for more information or to book your free coaching call